Reference: Below
Learning Objective (Index)
- Learning Objective (Index)
- What
- How
- Pre-maneuver Checklist
- ABCDE Checklist
- Entry
- Characteristics
- Recovery (maintain altitude)
- Maneuvering During Slow Flight
- Climbs & Descents
- Turns
- Adding Flaps
- Common Errors
- Common Errors with flaps
- Common Errors in Turns
- ACS Standards
- Private ACS
- Commercial ACS
- Videos
While pilots are flying approaches, the configuration of the aircraft is to fly slow at lower altitudes, pilots should demonstrate the ability to have positive aircraft control while the airplane is in this attitude, and demonstrate the understanding of the region of reverse command
Pre-maneuver Checklist
ABCDE Checklist
A - Altitude Above 1500ft AGL
B - Best place to land
C - Clearing turns
- Seat belts…adjust
- Fuel valve…on
- Circuit Breakers…all in
- Mixture…Rich
- Carb heat…Off
- Lights…BCN and LDN on
- Magnetos…Both
- Master…On
- Instruments…in green
D - Declare position and intentions to Practice Area
FRQ name, Who, Where, Altitude, doing What, FRQ name.
- WPA Traffic, C-14SK, 4NM south of Turning Tree, 6000ft, (Name of the maneuver), WPA.
E - Execute the maneuver
- Visually line up on a geographical fix in straight and level flight
- Carb heat ON
- Reduce power slowly to 1500 RPM and back pressure to keep altitude
- Bellow 85 knots, Flaps 10°, 20°, 30°
- At 50 knots, power to 2000 RPM and pitch for 45 knots
- Pitch for airspeed, Power for altitude
- Control for yaw (Right Rudder)
- Nose high attitude
- Aileron controls are sluggish or poor
- Lots of yaw
- Stall horn (Approaching stall speed)
- Pitch to Airspeed
- Power to Altitude
Recovery (maintain altitude)
- Carb heat OFF
- Full power (Pitch control to regain airspeed (forward pressure))
- Flaps 20°
- Vx 54 knots
- Flaps 10°
- Vy 67 knots
- Flaps up
- Control of yaw (keep coordinated and wings level)
- Maintain inputs until cruise airspeed is achieved
- Cruise Checklist
- Pitch
- Power
- Trim
- Verify the checklist
Maneuvering During Slow Flight
Climbs & Descents
- Pitch for Airspeed - Power for Altitude
- Adding power will cause the nose to pitch up and will require more rudder due to slipstream
- Removing power will cause the nose to pitch down and will require less rudder due to slipstream
- Eyes out! - Line up on a geographical fix or cloud if there isn’t one, and use peripheral vision
- Turn radius will be very small
- Bank angle must be kept under control (10 to 15 no more)
- Begin the roll out early (10 to 20 before reach your final HDG)
- Be cognizant of rudder use
Adding Flaps
- Better forward visibility
- Lower airspeed - More lift
- More power require because more drag is producing
Common Errors
- Adding power too slowly or too quickly
- Not maintaining pitch control (gain or lose altitude)
- Allowing the aircraft to yaw (uncoordinated)
- Not returning to altitude
Common Errors with flaps
- Lack of pitch control when adding flaps
- Aircraft allowed to yaw
- Flaps up immediately
- Not returning to original altitude
Common Errors in Turns
- Not maintaining airspeed
- Lack of bank control during the turn
- Not Rudder
- Rolling out too late onto heading
- Fixating on the instruments
ACS Standards
Private ACS
Clear the area
Altitude: not lower than 1500 ft AGL (ASEL) 3000 ft AGL (AMEL)
Maintain altitude: +-100 ft
Airspeed: Establish and maintain an airspeed at which any further increase in angle of attack, increase in load factor, or reduction in power, would result in a stall warning (e.g., aircraft buffet, stall horn, etc.).
Airspeed: +10, -0 knots
Heading: +- 10 degrees
Angle of Bank: +- 10 degrees
Commercial ACS
Maintain altitude: +- 50 ft
Airspeed: +5, -0 knots