Reference: Airplane Flying Handbook Chapter 10
Attention: This can be a fun maneuver, especially when combined with a power off 180º landing. The ability to maintain a position over the ground, while descending (as in an emergency landing) makes for a much more confident pilot.
Objective: The Student Will Be Able to Perform the Steep Spiral Maneuver to ACS Standards Adjusting for Varying Wind Speed and Direction as Well As Changing Bank Angles.
Learning Objective (Index)
- Learning Objective (Index)
- Key
- What
- Why
- How
- Pre Maneuver Checklist
- ABCDE Checklist
- Gain Altitude to Ensure at Least 3 360º Turns Above 1,500ft AGL
- Look for a Ground Reference
- Entered in Downwind When the Reference is Abeam the Main Gear
- Pitch and Trim for Glide Speed
- Every 360º Clean the Engine
- Correct for the winds
- Common Errors
- ACS Standards
- Commercial ACS
- Almost Like Turns Around A Point
- Increased Groundspeed = Increased Bank
- Decreased Groundspeed = Decreased Bank
- Keep Reference Between Wing Root & Fuselage
- A steep spiral is a constant gliding steep turn, during which a constant radius around a point on the ground is maintained like the turn around a point maneuver not exceeding 60° bank
- The steep spiral improves
- Pilot technique for airspeed control
- Wind drift control
- Planning
- Orientation
- Division of attention
Pre Maneuver Checklist
ABCDE Checklist
Gain Altitude to Ensure at Least 3 360º Turns Above 1,500ft AGL
Look for a Ground Reference
Entered in Downwind When the Reference is Abeam the Main Gear
Pitch and Trim for Glide Speed
Every 360º Clean the Engine
Correct for the winds
Common Errors
- Not clearing the area
- Inadequate pitch control on entry or rollout
- Not correcting the bank angle to compensate for wind
- Poor flight control coordination
- Ineffective use of trim
- Inadequate airspeed control
- Becoming disoriented
- Performing by reference to the flight instruments rather than visual references
- Not scanning for other traffic during the maneuver
- Not completing the turn on the designated heading or reference
ACS Standards
Commercial ACS
- Clear the area.
- Select an altitude sufficient to continue through a series of at least three 360° turns.
- Establish and maintain a steep spiral, not to exceed 60° angle of bank, to maintain a constant radius about a suitable ground reference point.
- Apply wind drift correction to track a constant radius circle around selected reference point with bank not to exceed 60° at steepest point in turn.
- Divide attention between airplane control and ground track, while maintaining coordinated flight.
- Maintain the specified airspeed, ±10 knots, rolls out toward object or specified heading, ±10°.