Reference: FAA-H-8083-3B Page 8-2
Learning Objective (Index)
- Learning Objective (Index)
- Key Points
- What
- Why
- How
- Before Landing Checklist
- Traffic Pattern Procedures
- Downwind
- Base
- Final
- Stable Approach Check
- If Is Not A Stable Approach
- Crosswind Correction
- Wake Turbulence Avoidance
- After Landing Checklist
- Common Errors
- ACS Standards
- Private ACS Standards
- Commercial ACS Standards
Key Points
- Stabilized Approach
- Smooth, Controlled Round Out (Flare)
- Hold the Airplane Inches Above the Ground Before Touching Down
- Don’t Side Load the Aircraft
- A normal approach and landing requires the use of procedures for a normal situation; that is:
- when engine power is available
- The wind is light
- The final approach is made directly into the wind
- The final approach path has no obstacles
- The landing surface is firm and long enough to gradually bring the airplane to a stop.
Takeoff is optional, landing is not!
Before Landing Checklist
Traffic Pattern Procedures
- Report on the CTAF your position and intentions
- Before Landing Checklist
- Abeam the numbers
- Carb Heat On
- Power to 1.500 RPM
- Bellow 85 knots (Bellow white arc)
- Flaps 10º
- Pitch for 80 knots
- Report on CTAF your position
- Turning for Base
- Flaps 20º
- Pitch for 70 knots
- Clear the final area
- Report on CTAF your position
- Turning Final
- Flaps 30º
- Pitch for 60 knots
Stable Approach Check
- Airspeed 60 knots
- No more than 500 ft/min on the VSI
- Align with the center line
- CALL Stable Approach
If Is Not A Stable Approach
- Go Around
- Full Power
- Flaps 20º
- Pitch up
- Positive Rate of Climb
- Flaps 10º
- Flaps UP
Crosswind Correction
Wake Turbulence Avoidance
After Landing Checklist
Common Errors
- Inadequate wind drift correction on the base leg.
- Overshooting or undershooting the turn onto final approach resulting in too steep or too shallow a turn onto final approach.
- Flat or skidding turns from base leg to final approach as a result of overshooting/inadequate wind drift correction.
- Poor coordination during turn from base to final approach.
- Failure to complete the landing checklist in a timely manner.
- Unstable approach.
- Failure to adequately compensate for flap extension.
- Poor trim technique on final approach.
- Attempting to maintain altitude or reach the runway using elevator alone.
- Focusing too close to the airplane resulting in a too high flare.
- Focusing too far from the airplane resulting in a too low flare.
- Touching down prior to attaining proper landing attitude.
- Failure to hold sufficient back-elevator pressure after touchdown.
- Excessive braking after touchdown.
- Loss of aircraft control during touchdown and roll out.
ACS Standards
Private ACS Standards
- Complete the appropriate checklist.
- Make radio calls as appropriate.
- Ensure the aircraft is aligned with the correct/assigned runway.
- Scan the landing runway and adjoining area for traffic and obstructions.
- Consider the wind conditions, landing surface, obstructions, and select a suitable touchdown point.
- Establish the recommended approach and landing configuration and airspeed, and adjust pitch attitude and power as required to maintain a stabilized approach.
- Maintain manufacturer’s recommended approach airspeed, or in its absence, not more than 1.3 VSO, +10/-5 knots, or as recommended for the aircraft type and gust velocity.
- Touch down at speed recommended by manufacturer, within 200 feet beyond a specified point on the runway.
- Maintain crosswind correction and directional control throughout the approach and landing.
- Make smooth, timely, and correct control inputs during round out and touchdown.
- Touch down at speed recommended by manufacturer.
- Execute a timely go-around if the approach cannot be made within the tolerances specified above or for any other condition that may result in an unsafe approach or landing.
- Utilize runway incursion avoidance procedures.
Commercial ACS Standards
- Same as the Private +
- Maintain manufacturer’s recommended approach airspeed, or in its absence, not more than 1.3 VSO, +/-5 knots, or as recommended for the aircraft type and gust velocity.