My CFI Notes
In my experience as a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI), the most common question from student pilots is, where do I start studying?
Use my notes to guide yourself on which topics you should focus your attention on, following the Airman Certification Standards and Practical Test Standards.
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Why Should Everyone Study With A CFI Notes And How?
Why Should Everyone Study With A CFI Notes And How?
Take a look of some Free Notes
Investing money in good CFI Notes is not an easy decision, especially when you have already invested in flight and ground lessons. For this reason you can have some of My CFI Notes for free so you can see how easy, modern and complete they are. so do a safe and intelligent investment.
A. Human Behavior and Effective Communication
A. Human Behavior and Effective Communication
Aeromedical Factors
Aeromedical Factors
Private PilotCommercial PilotCFI
Airworthiness Requirements
Airworthiness Requirements
Private PilotCommercial PilotCFI
Maneuvering During Slow Flight
Maneuvering During Slow Flight
Private PilotCommercial PilotCFI